hi, i'm amy

welcome to my personal website 🌵

I am a third year graduate student at UW in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences advised by Abby Swann in the Ecoclimate Lab. My research interests are plant-climate interactions and how plants impact atmospheric composition in an urban setting. My recent work is on understanding plant carbon-water tradeoffs using Earth System Model (ESM) simulations.

Previously, I graduated with a BS in Chemistry from UC Berkeley's College of Chemistry, where I was fortunate to be mentored by Erin Delaria and advised by Ron Cohen. I have interned on the Small Molecule Analytical and Business Insights and Analytics teams at Genentech/Roche, where my work spanned from developing analytical methods for the early drug research to supporting the planning of clinical trials. I am grateful to be supported by a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship.

If you want to reach out to me, please contact me via email (amyxliu@uw.edu).